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chapter 13 x

  • Employed by bank where I have debt

    Hi everyone, I am sad and shamefully here to make my first post. I believe I’ve reached the point of filing for Ch. 13 (make too much for 7). I have a lot of questions, concerns, and anxieties, but my biggest is related to my job and I’m hoping someone has some experience or knowledge on this!...
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  • Sdreams
    started a topic Vehicle Cram Downs

    Vehicle Cram Downs

    (Only) I’m filing chapter 13. We have one car that we owe $45k on at 8% - my husband got a job 2 years ago that he drives about 50k miles a year so now the car is worth maybe 20k

    The other car we owe 48k at 7%. We got it 1.5 years ago and it doesn’t have many miles but the vehicle is...
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  • HELOC after Chapter 13 discharge

    We completed a 5 year Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Our HELOC was not included in the repayment plan. When I reached out to the bank after discharge they would not work with me to set up payments. The account has been "charged off" but it is still on the books and the collections department wants...
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  • Looking for advice LLC with about 600k debt wanting to close down. Options.

    Well I've been trying to post for a few weeks now but so much I want to say that end up procrastinating... live and work in North Carolina.

    I have a failing Small business with about 650k in debt. I keep having to borrow to make it work and just decided to take my life back and stop...
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  • Consideration for chp 13 late mortgage while being very ill.

    Sick with Flu and COVID caused mortgage to be paid 2wks late. Only I had access to my account. 1st late while in chp 13.

    Mortgage company threatened and said they are notifying trustee.

    My lawyer office has not answered my calls or emails. 🙁😢
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  • Edocil
    started a topic Chapter 13 help!

    Chapter 13 help!

    Hello new here , so to make a long story short , I filed chapter 13 bankruptcy , auto loan is co signed with someone that didn't file , the auto loan company didn't file a claim , then .you lawyer missed the deadline to file a claim on there behalf claiming the didn't have all the info, then the get...
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  • TakeItAll
    started a topic Question I feel like I'm losing my mind...

    I feel like I'm losing my mind...

    I hope I put this in the right spot.
    hello all!

    So we entered into Chapter 13 in 2018, after a failed attempt to own a business (yay american dream fail!) and a 2nd mortgage to pay back.
    I feel like this was the worst decision we ever made. We were strapped before this but...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic CH13 Plan confirmed!

    CH13 Plan confirmed!

    Hello friends! Although I have not yet seen it in Pacer, my plan has been confirmed based on
    My conversation with the attorney. The whole process took about 6 months but it’s been worth it so far. My payment is only 1/4 of what my minimum monthly payments to the creditors used to be. Thank...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Confirmation hearing FL

    Confirmation hearing FL

    Hello justbroke and others. It’s been a while. Not a whole lot has happened other than the trustee asking for a plan modification to include step up payments after a 401k loan is paid off in 2025. My first confirmation meeting scheduled for next week. Is it possible to get the plan approved on...
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  • Waiting for confirmation CH13 - FL - update and two questions

    Hello. It's been almost 4 months since I filed, 2 1/2 since my 341 meeting, a 1 1/2 month since POC deadline and initial confirmation hearing (a FLA thing) and about 3 week since the last day for creditors to argue a discharge. It has been very quiet. No objections, no plan changes, no pacer updates,...
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  • Selling a house during chapter 13 - Florida

    Hello. What happens if we sell out house in Florida? We currently have over $200k equity in the house based on current market prices. The total amount is currently exempt in FL. But once we sell it (if), will the proceeds of the sale be no longer exempted, and the trustee will require to pay 100% of...
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  • IndyNation
    started a topic Trustee Fee amount?

    Trustee Fee amount?

    Hi all,

    I have a question on the trustee fees. I looked through the forum, but am a little confused. Our trustee wants 9.3% or 10%, I'm not sure the lawyer said both numbers.

    But that is in addition to our payback amount?

    So if we owed 100k, then we would have...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Proof of Claim (POF) Deadline in FL

    Proof of Claim (POF) Deadline in FL

    Hello again. What is the correct POF deadline in Florida. I am getting mixed answers. I have read some posts that states it is 90 days after the 341 meeting. I googled it and got a different answer; it states that creditors have 70 days to file POF after the petition filing date. Per Pacer, the POF...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Changing Tax withholdings over the years

    Changing Tax withholdings over the years

    Hello, I have a question about tax withholdings. We used the IRS website to recalculate the 2022 taxes to ensure that we have enough to pay the tax bill. But we also did it in a way that we either break even or get a small refund (less than $800). So the question is, are you allow to change your tax...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Proof of claims coming in slow

    Proof of claims coming in slow


    We filed at the beginning of September and the deadline to submit claims is during the second week of November. So far only 30 percent of the unsecured creditors have filed for proof of claims. Is that normal? Do they typically wait until the last minute to submit claims?...
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