Well just when I thought our 341 went pretty well last week it seems I may have spoken to soon.
We started out as a no asset case but we knew when our 341 was over that the trustee was going to object to our exemption on one of the cars but I guess I didn't realize that he/she would now choose to do an appraisal of ALL personal property. I should have known better I guess.
I have read all of the horror stories on here about this FL district and the way our luck has been running lately I should have prepared myself for this. After our 341- our atty said we did really well and that we were done and would get our discharge in 90 days. He said we would not have to come back to court. He said the trustee only objected to the auto exemptions and our plan would be just get the 2nd car appraised and whatever we were over we would just pay to the trustee over 12 months. He acted like it was no big deal at all. Well on Sat. when we received the notice of the trustees objection to the exemptions it also said that a pp appraisal would be schedule to determine how much we were over our exemptions. He/she has also hired the law firm he/she works for to include himself/herself because per the order the bk estate is "complicated". I do not know what this means??. We had to take the homestead exemption here in order to keep the house although it's worth less than what we owe on it by about 7-8k. I suggested to the atty before we filed that we use the wildcard instead but he said that if we give the trustee that option to take the house they may or may not choose to do so. I just feel all of this is so silly. Our personal property consists of our clothing, 4 -year old master bedroom, living room and kitchen furniture from Rooms to Go paid about 3k for it all 4 years ago. and our few electronics that are now 3-5 years old. Our laptops are worth nothing, they have fully depreciated. The TV's a few hundred or so each. We will probably have 3,500 equity in the two cars (less our 2k measly auto exemptions= 1,500 net exemption when we are done). Our wedding rings we valued about 1k we paid maybe 2,500 for them new 3 years ago. I turned over a promissory note for 14k from my ex that was due Dec. 2010 and of course I received nothing. We deemed it to be uncollectable. My ex makes little money, he has almost 1k in medical expenses per month, and is upside down by almost 100k or more in the house we used to own together. I told the trustee all of this in the 341 meeting. Do you think this issue is what he/she considers our case to now be "complicated". Also, does this now mean we are going to be probed by the UST now??
This is all so crazy
and I shouldn't even care because we don't have anything to hide.
But it's upsetting to have this delayed another month or more. My hubby and I have already decided we will NOT buy back the 4 yo furniture or the electronics so they can come and get them.We have only owned our home a little over a year so it is not stocked full of furniture as one may think. We only have one complete BR set and the other two guest rooms have a sofa bed in one and a frame/mattress set in the other. There is not a lot of anything to get from our "complicated estate"
This district is a big joke and these trustees need to get a life. : Between us losing our business earlier in the year and my hubby still being unemployed, the company I work for having some issues just to stay afloat, our 6 yo dog has been sick and we had to pay out a lot in vet bills lately and we had several major home expenses come up in the last 6 months even though our home is only 4 years old. It seems we have the worst luck in the world!!
We are over the median but only 10-12 k or so and maybe this is why this is happening, however, it's still a struggle to stay afloat with all of these things that keep happening. This trustee is going to further complicate our lives by dragging us through more stress for such an insignificant amount of money
. I just don't get it. It's so discouraging to have to deal with all of this. We have hardly nothing left and the little bit we have they won't it all. I know that I just need to get a grip and let it go.Is there anyone on this board that has had a recent experience with a personal property appraisal in this crappy Fl district that they can share their experience with me please?? The others posts I have read are a year or more older (beachmomma, sunshinegal) etc.. I was looking for something more current. Thanks Much!

This is all so crazy
