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Do you think that the general public considers us as "shysters"?

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    Originally posted by Freddy03 View Post
    I still agree with my opinion of this lady you spoke about.
    Hey Freddy, Who spoke about? I hope you don't think I. I lub 'merime'. She's on my friend list big time. Clarify please. She's my "honey' and Mrs. approves. 'Hub
    If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


      Originally posted by Freddy03 View Post
      I still agree with my opinion of this lady you spoke about.
      I agree that she is still someone who WORKED the system.

      No, hub, not merime herself, but the older lady whom she hero-worships for beating the system - the old lady who took her 50k out of the bank waited a while and now people who pay taxes are toting her note.
      ~~ Filed Over Median Income Chapter 7: 12/17/2010 ~~ 341 Held: 1/12/2011 ~~ Discharged: 03/16/2011 ~~
      Not an attorney - just an opinionated woman.


        Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
        Hey Freddy, Who spoke about? I hope you don't think I. I lub 'merime'. She's on my friend list big time. Clarify please. She's my "honey' and Mrs. approves. 'Hub
        Oh no not you or Merime herself. I was referring to the Older Lady she posted about "beating the system and living a fairy tale life" by not filling BK and having 50K stashed away while she is collecting food stamps and goverment assistant.
        "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!" Ch 7 Filed 7/15/11 * 3 Minute 341 8/19/11 * Discharged 10/20/11


          I personally do not care whether or not the general public thinks I am a shyster. It really is none of their ***king business.

          I have availed myself of the legal relief that has been legislated (presumably because someone thought it was a necessary tool) to enable me to solve a situation that I couldn't solve without the voluntary assistance of all of my creditors, none of whom actually give a damn about me personally. I'm just a number, one of many, insignificant by myself with no recourse but the bankruptcy code to force a solution instead of extending the problem.

          If I knew three years ago, what I know know, I would have a couple hundred thousand dollars more in my retirement plan. I wouldn't have attempted to convince my creditor's to be part of the solution and thrown good money down the tubes trying to hang on. I probably would have filed a 7 instead of a 13, done a stay and pay on the 1st trust and stop paying on the second and offering a small amount to release the lien. I would have planned my income in the lookback period and in the confirmation predischarge period to avoid issues that might have required a conversion to a 13. In short, I would have done everything I could to plan the bankruptcy to maximize my position and minimize the creditor's position, within the confines of the law. That wouldn't have made me a bad person, just a smarter one!!!

          Instead, I didn't find this forum soon enough, eroded most of my assets trying to negotiate modifications and payment plans and ultimately had to accept a 13 to avoid losing the house to foreclosure. I don't think that makes me a bad person and I am not gaming the system. I literally paid down over $150,000 in debt in the 18 months prior to filing. Guess what - Am Ex., Visa, MC didn't care that I had paid down 60% of my debt in the prior year. They squeezed the credit lines, increased the interest rates and were only interested in when the next payment was coming.

          They got what they deserved.


            Originally posted by espo1357 View Post
            You have to be kidding.

            Universal Healthcare does more harm than good, especially since it waters down the quality of healthcare. Where is the incentive for people to go to school and study medicine when they have little incentive when they graduate? And why should it be required for everyone to have insurance? Its BS.

            Another thing: Corporations are holding 2-3 trillion in cash because they have no clue what Obama is going to do next, with his endless regulations and flip flops (see Steve Wynn, a Wharton grad and a man who is probably the most influential person in the history of Nevada).

            Obama is a flip flop, community organizer, with no business experience, a typical politician with nothing to offer but false hope and lies.
            This is getting off-topic, but I will respond.

            Are you saying that somehow universal health care will mean that there will not be an incentive for folks to become physicians? First off, the amount that is net paid to physicians could always be set at a level that would be enough. Second, I don't know if you have checked around the admission rates at medical schools, but there sure are a whole lot more folks that would like to be physicians that not, so even if their financial prospects were not to be as good, there would still be plenty of folks willing to do it - and probably folks that would be doing it more to help their fellow man, than to be able to drive a Mercedes or Porsche (the two makes I noticed some of my old physicians driving!) Third, in the "new normal" economy, there will be a continuing surplus of intelligent labor, therefore more folks will be interested in being a physician, not to be wealthy, but just to have a decent JOB!

            I'm not sure how corporations holding on to $3T has anything to do with health care. To corporations, health care costs are simply part of the employee compensation, and companies could always force employees to simply pay for their coverage if they want to (and many have, as a way of dropping true wage levels.)

            And finally, I don't know how someone who is (has been) in financial stress cannot be relieved to know that health care will be there for them, no matter what happens to their finances. I'll bet the NEXT time you go BK, when you have run out of cash and without a job, when you get diagnosed with cancer, that you will be thanking your lucky stars that a great man like Obama went through political hell to get you your health care!


              Originally posted by espo1357 View Post
              ... Also, if you think doctors go into medicine for reasons other than money or job security, you live in a fantasy land ...
              My niece wants to be a physician, and the job security thing is only small part. And if folks wanted to go medicine because of the security, I say let them live with the same sort of reduced wages as the rest of us - there will be plenty of folks begging to take modest paying physician gigs.

              Originally posted by espo1357 View Post
              ... Lastly, corporations only care about the bottom line. Why should they care about us? If they did business this way (cared only about us), they would not exist ...
              I agree 100%, which is why getting corporations out of the underwriting of health care (i.e., universal public health care) is such a great policy.


                Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
                YOU TELL ME we are not in a Depression! All this came within three years. It is not Bushes regime. It is time for our Vacationer-in-Chief to ask his advisers for better advice and then TAKE IT.
                Obama tried to get a massive stimulus going to keep people working, but was blocked by the Republicans. He would like to raise taxes on the wealthy to fund stimulus as well, but the born-again Republican deficit hawks (where were they when their boy W turned my boy Clinton's surplus into a deficit?) wouldn't let him, and the Republicans did a complete pivot on being the party against Medicare to being the defenders of Medicare - i.e., trying to divide and conquer the old folks from their uninsured children, since Obama's health care proposal was "putting his damn government hands on their Medicare!"

                Is Obama a fighter like FDR? Absolutely not. I wish he were.


                  Originally posted by JackBondLove View Post
                  My niece wants to be a physician, and the job security thing is only small part. And if folks wanted to go medicine because of the security, I say let them live with the same sort of reduced wages as the rest of us - there will be plenty of folks begging to take modest paying physician gigs.

                  I agree 100%, which is why getting corporations out of the underwriting of health care (i.e., universal public health care) is such a great policy.

                  As if your niece determines the mindset of so many.

                  There are so many holes in your post, but I don't have the time to type or deal with this right now.

                  Here are some thoughts:

                  first, my bk has nothing to do with nothing.

                  second, calling obama a great man might be the dumbest comment in the history of the world.


                    Originally posted by JackBondLove View Post
                    Obama tried to get a massive stimulus going to keep people working, but was blocked by the Republicans. He would like to raise taxes on the wealthy to fund stimulus as well, but the born-again Republican deficit hawks (where were they when their boy W turned my boy Clinton's surplus into a deficit?) wouldn't let him, and the Republicans did a complete pivot on being the party against Medicare to being the defenders of Medicare - i.e., trying to divide and conquer the old folks from their uninsured children, since Obama's health care proposal was "putting his damn government hands on their Medicare!"

                    Is Obama a fighter like FDR? Absolutely not. I wish he were.
                    Obama is a puppet, just like every President after Kennedy. Once Kennedy was taken care of, future Presidents got the game right, if they wanted to live. OK, the history lesson is over. I mean, do you really think Obama makes decisions?

                    Oh well, stay tuned into NBC or Fox News or wherever you get your information.

                    As for doctors, my guess is that over 80 percent go into medicine for the cash. Also, doctors that are spending all that money to go to school in today's medical environment are not very smart, because the government is getting more and more involved in their business, and whatever the government touches turns to crap.


                      Originally posted by chicagoed195 View Post
                      In short, I would have done everything I could to plan the bankruptcy to maximize my position and minimize the creditor's position, within the confines of the law. That wouldn't have made me a bad person, just a smarter one!!!
                      I basically did this, and I feel absolutely no compunction. And I was fortunate in buying a bunch of stuff a year before the BK (back when I really didn't think I would be doing BK) that was either exempt or only resulted in a very small net value for me to buy back post-BK. I did buy and furnish my extraordinarily modest house with my remaining cash on the eve of BK, so I guess that could be considered as a moral failing, but who cares? It was legal.


                        Originally posted by JackBondLove View Post
                        Obama tried to get a massive stimulus going to keep people working, but was blocked by the Republicans. He would like to raise taxes on the wealthy to fund stimulus as well, but the born-again Republican deficit hawks (where were they when their boy W turned my boy Clinton's surplus into a deficit?) wouldn't let him, and the Republicans did a complete pivot on being the party against Medicare to being the defenders of Medicare - i.e., trying to divide and conquer the old folks from their uninsured children, since Obama's health care proposal was "putting his damn government hands on their Medicare!"

                        Is Obama a fighter like FDR? Absolutely not. I wish he were.
                        Just how does a stimulus put people back to work?

                        Explain that to me.


                          Originally posted by Freddy03 View Post
                          Oh no not you or Merime herself. I was referring to the Older Lady she posted about "beating the system and living a fairy tale life" by not filling BK and having 50K stashed away while she is collecting food stamps and goverment assistant.

                          I agree with you 100% about the older lady, Freddy. ugh.

                          And I was agreeing with you on my last post, too - but worded it very poorly. LOL
                          ~~ Filed Over Median Income Chapter 7: 12/17/2010 ~~ 341 Held: 1/12/2011 ~~ Discharged: 03/16/2011 ~~
                          Not an attorney - just an opinionated woman.


                            sorry if I was rude JBL. I am just trying to get you to see what is really out there in this crazy world. if you dig deeper, you will find that the game is rigged, so it really doesn't matter much what you and I think. We just have to take care of ourselves, our family and the poor. everyone else can pretty much take a hike in my world.


                              Originally posted by JackBondLove View Post

                              I agree 100%, which is why getting corporations out of the underwriting of health care (i.e., universal public health care) is such a great policy.
                              Obamacare is *not* universal healthcare. In universal healthcare systems there is *no* requirement for a person to be insured under threat of a fine...

                              Obamacare has given an excellent incentive (or an excuse) to variety of corporate giants to stop paying for their employees' healthcare and eat the fines instead since it would cost them less to do so...

                              Finally, being someone who lived in societies that offer universal healthcare I'd take the corrupt-and-broken U.S. healthcare system over British NHS any day of the week.

                              My $0.02 only...

                              Good luck to us all.
                              No person in their right mind files a Ch. 13 with lien strip pro se. I have.Therefore, please consider me insane and clinically certifiable when reading my posts, and DO NOT take them as legal advice of any kind.Thank you.


                                Wow, always fun when we all start speaking our minds about our deep personal political beliefs (on a bk forum

                                As a proud citizen I am always excited to share my opinions on most any topic, mostly because I know you all really want to hear my brilliant thoughts... So since I have a moment, how about this...

                                1. I was taught (and I believe) that other folk's opinions are none of my business; my task is to keep my side of the street clean and to be of service to others. Makes me sound pretty cool, huh?

                                2. Since I filed and have shared this fact with folks, I have found some who plainly treat me like a piece of crap. This saddens me, but refer back to number 1.

                                3. I only talk politics when I forget that it makes me and others crazy. Repub, Demo, Indy, Commie, it all kinda blurs after a bit, especially as I get older. I have moved to a less stressful platform, where I focus on the basic goodness of both people in general and The Finest Country In The World, The USA. My simple platform for our country is the same as for myself; I (and the country) need to buy no more crap on credit, I need to reduce or eliminate my debt load (defecit), I need to help the most helpless in any way I can.

                                4. I need to spend some time daily giving of myself to others and getting away from "self." Some of my best medicine comes fromdoing volunteer work at a local prison. Nothing quite beats hearing from folks who live like dogs in a 6 foot by 9 foot cell to make me appreciate all I have, screwed up govt, economy, and all. Even the right to ***** and talk smack about our country gets you killed/dissappeared in many other coutries. Not here though,bash Bush, bash Obama, it is all good here.

                                Ah yes , it felt good to talk about this stuff, especially the things that help me to maintain an attitude of gratitude and to remind myself not to take everything so seriously. Anyone agree? Anyone grateful, even in the middle of a bk? Anyone else believe we are mostly good people, even if we disagree? Oh well, what the hell do I know anyway, I'm going bankrupt so you have to figure I have "issues"... Sometimes I need tissues for my issues, can I get an amen?! Peace out y'all...
                                Filed Chapter 7 7/14/2011, 341 meeting 8/16/2011, discharged 10/19/2011! Note that my posts are not legal advice, so please do not sue me, I have enough problems already.


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