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How does one delete a post?

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  • justbroke
    You can fix a mistake up to one hour after creating the post. After that you will need to ask a moderator.

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  • SUNus
    I have not fully understood the reason why there is no deletion of the message, if I make a mistake, I need to fix it

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  • justbroke
    If it's something that is personally identifying information and the moderators didn't catch it, we can go back and remove some or all of a post.

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  • bornfree2
    Originally posted by justbroke View Post
    I think that the forum owner has set the ability to edit at 1 hour. Past 1 hour a poster can't edit their post.
    I guess it follows in the tradition of the filing and 341 lol. Well at least with the filing one can pay to amend after 1 hour /s

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  • justbroke
    I think that the forum owner has set the ability to edit at 1 hour. Past 1 hour a poster can't edit their post.

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  • bornfree2
    Given the nature of the topics discussed this should be reconsidered and an option provided. At least being able edit a post after the fact would be sufficient... it seems one can edit the post only once or after a period of time

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  • sophieanne
    Hi..unfortunately you can’t. Unless it’s in violation of the site guidelines or a duplicate post, it can’t be removed. Only the moderators or administrator can remove a post for the reasons above.

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  • bornfree2
    started a topic How does one delete a post?

    How does one delete a post?

    Perhaps im missing the obvious button somewhere, but i cant find a way to delete a post. Is it possible? If not, why not and what procedure is necessary?

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