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Foreign Bank Accounts

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  • justbroke
    APwinner, please re-read the forum rules on opening old threads. I believe this question is directly pointed at bankruptcy and whether the Trustee themselves spend time examining foreign bank accounts. I just think it goes to the extent of how much the panel trustee's will investigate; not whether there is someone from the government doing these things. The panel trustees are not government employees.

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  • APwinner
    Originally posted by cashpoor View Post
    Does the Trustee and the BK process in a Ch7 take the time or have the ability to identify foreign bank accounts, with only funds derived from an inheritance in that country?
    NO. They use a different part of the Govenrment to look if that is suspected. The pople used are the IRS Money laundering people.

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  • justbroke
    Originally posted by chrisdfw View Post
    Nor will any reputable attorney answer that question. Which might be why you are asking here.
    One has. They answered both "yes" and "disclose, disclose, disclose" ... I think Des also mentioned "club fed" in the response.

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  • chrisdfw
    I think you are asking someone what the chances are of getting caught if you commit a federal crime which is a felony.
    I don't think you are going to get that kind of advice here.

    Nor will any reputable attorney answer that question. Which might be why you are asking here.

    You are planning to steal from your creditors and want someone to advise you on whether you can get away with it? Bankruptcy is a legal process so nobody is going to advise illegal actions.

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  • PurplePanda
    Originally posted by cashpoor View Post
    I am interested in hearing someone describe in knowledgeable detail the process the trustee goes thru to ascertain the veracity of all the information submitted in a Ch7 BK. Anybody out there with that kind of information?
    You should have a look and read here to see the natural and expected consequences of not disclosing an account and hiding assets from a BK trustee.

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  • womanonfire
    Originally posted by despritfreya View Post
    If you fail to disclose and you get caught, you will need to be prepared to do some time in "club fed".

    Club fed lol!

    Why is that club fed inmates are not assigned duties like in state prison? Seems unfair.

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  • LadyInTheRed
    cashpoor, despritfreya gave you the only correct answer. The trustee has the ability to identify your asset and you must disclose all of your assets on your bankruptcy petition, no matter where they are located or how the trustee can find them. You are asking for information so that you can figure out how to hide assets in a BK. Hiding assets in BK is fraud. Bkforum will not help you figure out how to commit fraud.

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  • cashpoor
    I am interested in hearing someone describe in knowledgeable detail the process the trustee goes thru to ascertain the veracity of all the information submitted in a Ch7 BK. Anybody out there with that kind of information?

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  • despritfreya
    Originally posted by cashpoor View Post
    Does the Trustee . . . have the ability to identify foreign bank accounts . . .

    You are required to disclose, disclose, disclose. If you fail to disclose and you get caught, you will need to be prepared to do some time in "club fed".


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  • cashpoor
    started a topic Foreign Bank Accounts

    Foreign Bank Accounts

    Does the Trustee and the BK process in a Ch7 take the time or have the ability to identify foreign bank accounts, with only funds derived from an inheritance in that country?

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