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Just Made the Payment... Three Payments Remaining of 60

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    Just Made the Payment... Three Payments Remaining of 60

    Just made payment number Heinz 57.
    Three more and we're done.
    In the meantime, we're continuing to go through stuff, donating or tossing what we no longer need.
    Toward the end we will be donating some furniture that takes up a large amount of space. For example - a 'classic'
    CRT TV entertainment center, really nice solid wood, not particle board, that we've used for storage of tall winter boots.
    And boxing up what we intend to keep of course.
    If we need to downsize when we sell the house/relocate/rent elsewhere, more stuff will most certainly need to be jettisoned.
    Trouble is, I like my elbow room! I'm not a fan of postage-stamp house plots so... we shall see.

    Zombie13 That's great to get rid of what you don't need. Take advantage of the final BK months! Don't worry about postage stamp lots because you will love it if that is what you need to rent after the BK it will be freeing and you will have time to find your final destination which will be just perfect in the end.

    We have been getting rid of stuff as well since we are empty nesters and piled up too much junk over the years. It's nice to get rid of stuff that no longer serves a purpose or you just don't want anymore.

    And I think it's best when moving probably to re-do some furniture. Our bedroom set has never fit in good in our house of about 25 yrs, it was great in our first home, but I never thought of getting rid of it at the time. Now it's still in good/decent shape (some wear and tear after almost 32 yrs), but it's going to go in the next year or two and I will actually buy something that fits the room well instead of having oversized furniture for the size of the room. Honestly if we had space I would keep it since it's good quality higher end and would last us a life time--but it's just furniture and will be more pleasant to have something that fit instead of crowds out the room.

    Ok sorry for rambling!

    And congrats on Heinz 57!
    I am not an expert. I just share my experiences in the Wonderful Wacky World of Chapter 13! Filed 3-30-18 Confirmed 7-11-18 Discharged 6-8-22


      Carmella Yep, I call it 'ballast'. Gotta get rid of it to take flight!
      We have furniture items that are a relic of a bygone era. An entertainment center, for the CRT tv. I bet the young 'uns don't even know what that is... anyone? Anyone? Heh.
      Good on you for eliminating unneeded stuff. It just turns to clutter.
      The concern with just 'getting a place to live' is, each move costs money. And a huge time consumption; so there is that.
      And no worries; you're not rambling. You have every right to express how you feel.
      And thanks! Mmm Heinz 57.... on steak... gettin hungry again...


        Wow!!! Very exciting..the final countdown has arrived 😀
        Filed Chapter 13 - 07/20/12
        Discharged 8/2/16


          Thanks sophieanne! Yes, getting closer.
          We will begin buying moving boxes shortly.
          Ideally, when we 'close' on the BK, most of the stuff will be packed and in storage, so we can then paint, etc.
          Also... Washington... slugs n bugs... what kind are up there in WA? Not many here in CO but just curious.


            Honestly..very rare. The occasional slug (seasonal) and I really had to think about it..I’ve never seen any. I’m sure if you’re In rural areas there may be something ..but I don’t know. Have u been researching the state?
            Filed Chapter 13 - 07/20/12
            Discharged 8/2/16


              Yes, we have. We are considering Olympia and nearby areas. We'd like for the Seattle are to be accessible, but we also want a little space - we're not 'city dweller' type folks.


                At 0:13... regarding slugs... They can't hear. They can't speak. They can't operate machinery. Are we not in the hands of a lunatic?


                Sorry... I had to!

                If you can name the movie, you are showing your age.

                Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


                  Yeah Zombie13
                  Barbisi Making moving plans!! How exciting to pack it up and research other places to live!!!!
                  I am not an expert. I just share my experiences in the Wonderful Wacky World of Chapter 13! Filed 3-30-18 Confirmed 7-11-18 Discharged 6-8-22


                    Speaking of moving...

                    As some of you might remember, last April I accepted a new job which will ultimately require lots of travel, upwards of every other week, and even without the travel it has been a lot of work. Given my extra workload, I informed the family who owns the horse farm my wife and I live on we would need to move as we would no longer have the time to help take care of the 11 horses they have here. The family immediately countered with, "If we can work out a deal on the rent, we'd love for you to stay." We worked out the deal, and all was well..., until early last month when the person who took my place working with the horses resigned because she was moving too far away to continue commuting here. Over the last month it has proven to be both a challenge and hardship for the family to A) find someone to work the barn and B) keep up with the work when short-staffed. Then the other shoe dropped...

                    My gig had been to cover for the horse and barn duty Monday through Wednesday each week, a young woman who'd worked here since the late 2000s covered Thursday and Friday, and then the granddaughters of the farm owners covered the weekends. Well, the Thursday/Friday person just resigned effective the end of this month. Yikes! The farm family had no option but to put my apartment up for rent to use as an incentive to get someone here to do the work; yeah, not good timing.

                    Given my wife and I have been planning on buying a new home sometime next summer, and given we need to be out of here by the end of the year, this situation couldn't be more inconvenient, doubly so given the current (current as in crazy/insane) rental market here in New Hampshire. We did manage to find a brand new townhome to rent (for $1,000 more per month than we're currently paying) and will be signing the lease on it Monday; it'll be comfortable, and even a tad larger than our current place, but needing to move twice in a year is not optimal. As the plan stands now, the CofO will be granted next week, we'll sign the lease effective the 1st of December and we'll keep the current place through the 15th of December to give us some flexibility on moving and getting a cleaning crew in here to detail the place after we're out.
                    Chapter 13 (not 100%):
                    • Burned: AMEX, Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, and South County Bank cum Bank of Southern California
                    • Filed: 26-Feb-2015
                    • MoC: 01-Mar-2015
                    • 1st Payment (posted): 23-Mar-2015
                    • 60th Payment (posted): 07-Feb-2020
                    • Discharged: 04-Mar-2020
                    • Closed: 23-Jun-2020


                      Originally posted by Carmella View Post
                      Yeah Zombie13
                      Barbisi Making moving plans!! How exciting to pack it up and research other places to live!!!!
                      Thank you Carmella!
                      Today we started putting lightweight decorations that were still boxed into really large U-Haul boxes (LOL) because it required minimal work and these are very pretty collectibles I want to keep but they are non-essentials (i.e. easy to store in a self-storage place and not needed on a daily basis).
                      We still haven't rented the storage place and will only do that after Christmas or early next year.
                      As for researching new places to live, we are waiting since we are months away from being free to put the house on the market, and my husband must find another job with a different company since his current employer does not appear to offer any WA state jobs in his preferred line of work. This company offers these jobs only in CO,CA, TX, Mass, and Virginia ( places we have already lived in or near and don't want to return to), so he can't accept a job offer until we can legally sell the house. ( i.e. after the closing)
                      So, like shipo , we probably will be forced to rent/move twice, once here in Colorado (immediately after the house is sold and while my husband is securing his out of state job) and then after we can move out of state (with or with out a relocation package. ) Of course, this is a less than stellar scenario (renting in Colorado for a while) but getting away from these killer stairs immediately , if not the awful climate, and many looming repairs (if we can sell in time) is a better prospect than continuing to live here into 2023 or later, and facing a housing recession which I am convinced is just around the corner.
                      Last edited by Barbisi; 11-13-2021, 03:23 PM.


                        Barbisi It will be so worth it! Pack the things you don't need and hopefully keep them in storage until your final move. Keep minimal with you so when it's time to go you can fly like an eagle
                        I am not an expert. I just share my experiences in the Wonderful Wacky World of Chapter 13! Filed 3-30-18 Confirmed 7-11-18 Discharged 6-8-22


                          Originally posted by Carmella View Post
                          Yeah Zombie13
                          Barbisi Making moving plans!! How exciting to pack it up and research other places to live!!!!
                          Yep! Packin up... ugh... groan... ugh... but it will be worth it! Never have I enjoyed putting stuff in boxes to relocate but, always glad when it was done.


                            Originally posted by justbroke View Post
                            At 0:13... regarding slugs... They can't hear. They can't speak. They can't operate machinery. Are we not in the hands of a lunatic?


                            Sorry... I had to!

                            If you can name the movie, you are showing your age.
                            Time Bandits!!!
                            I enjoyed that film. So much in fact I watched it several times. Very offbeat for sure IMHO, but still fun.


                              Originally posted by shipo View Post
                              Speaking of moving...

                              As some of you might remember, last April I accepted a new job which will ultimately require lots of travel, upwards of every other week, and even without the travel it has been a lot of work. Given my extra workload, I informed the family who owns the horse farm my wife and I live on we would need to move as we would no longer have the time to help take care of the 11 horses they have here. The family immediately countered with, "If we can work out a deal on the rent, we'd love for you to stay." We worked out the deal, and all was well..., until early last month when the person who took my place working with the horses resigned because she was moving too far away to continue commuting here. Over the last month it has proven to be both a challenge and hardship for the family to A) find someone to work the barn and B) keep up with the work when short-staffed. Then the other shoe dropped...

                              My gig had been to cover for the horse and barn duty Monday through Wednesday each week, a young woman who'd worked here since the late 2000s covered Thursday and Friday, and then the granddaughters of the farm owners covered the weekends. Well, the Thursday/Friday person just resigned effective the end of this month. Yikes! The farm family had no option but to put my apartment up for rent to use as an incentive to get someone here to do the work; yeah, not good timing.

                              Given my wife and I have been planning on buying a new home sometime next summer, and given we need to be out of here by the end of the year, this situation couldn't be more inconvenient, doubly so given the current (current as in crazy/insane) rental market here in New Hampshire. We did manage to find a brand new townhome to rent (for $1,000 more per month than we're currently paying) and will be signing the lease on it Monday; it'll be comfortable, and even a tad larger than our current place, but needing to move twice in a year is not optimal. As the plan stands now, the CofO will be granted next week, we'll sign the lease effective the 1st of December and we'll keep the current place through the 15th of December to give us some flexibility on moving and getting a cleaning crew in here to detail the place after we're out.
                              Dang... moving twice in one year... we have done that once. ... ONCE. First rental here in CO. Long story... stupid conniving landlord but I digress... I can tell the story later. Long story short, landlord was using our rent money for his 'Golden Corral' restaurant financing. I will stop there because I really want to go into an F-bomb laden tirade but I won't. It's ok... happy thoughts... I am in a golden meadow in the springtime...

                              Late reply because we both got the flu shot in one arm, and the covid booster in the other, yesterday. So today, uuuugh..... not feelin optimal. Better now.

                              Also... workin on a horse farm sounds like a rather unique job. Must be nice workin out in the country like that. Personally though, I'm not a morning person! A former boss owns a ranch in Elizabeth, CO (bit remote) and he was up at 4 I think... no thanks.


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